Pierrot le fou é uma editora
dedicada à fotografia, fundada em 2012 por Dulcineia Neves dos Santos, Susana
Lourenço Marques, Bruno Figueiredo e Pedro Bandeira, sito em Porto.
Pierrot le fou is an independent publishing house dedicated to photography founded in 2012, by Dulcineia Neves dos Santos, Susana Lourenço Marques, Bruno Figueiredo e Pedro Bandeira, based in Porto.
Por favor contacte-nos por email para informações e vendas
Please contact us by email for information and sales
Av. de Camilo 324 3ºEsq.
4300-095 Porto
They say 115 guerrillas, and it means nothing to us. But each one is a man, and we don't even know who he is, if he loves a woman, if he has kids, if he prefers movies or plays. We know nothing about them. All they say is '15 killed.' It's like photographs. They've always fascinated me. You see this frozen image of a guy with a caption underneath. Maybe he was a coward. Maybe he was a nice guy. But at the moment it was taken no one can really say who he was, what he was thinking about. His wife? His mistress? The past? The future? Basketball? No one will ever know. That's what makes me sad: Life is so different from books. I wish it were the same: clear, logical, organized. Only it isn't.
Website by Eunice Bastos
Pierrot le fou is an independent publishing house dedicated to photography founded in 2012, by Dulcineia Neves dos Santos, Susana Lourenço Marques, Bruno Figueiredo e Pedro Bandeira, based in Porto.
Por favor contacte-nos por email para informações e vendas
Please contact us by email for information and sales
Av. de Camilo 324 3ºEsq.
4300-095 Porto
They say 115 guerrillas, and it means nothing to us. But each one is a man, and we don't even know who he is, if he loves a woman, if he has kids, if he prefers movies or plays. We know nothing about them. All they say is '15 killed.' It's like photographs. They've always fascinated me. You see this frozen image of a guy with a caption underneath. Maybe he was a coward. Maybe he was a nice guy. But at the moment it was taken no one can really say who he was, what he was thinking about. His wife? His mistress? The past? The future? Basketball? No one will ever know. That's what makes me sad: Life is so different from books. I wish it were the same: clear, logical, organized. Only it isn't.
Website by Eunice Bastos