The Radiant City -
Carlos Azeredo Mesquita
Texto de Levente Polyák
This books showcases work from The Radiant City. It is divided in two parts: one booklet with large gatefolds that open in order to show eleven of the situations I documented; and a smaller booklet that, besides captions to the images and an introduction, features an original essay by Levente Polyák, a Hungarian urbanist and researcher, that gives this series the social and political context it needs.
Carlos Azeredo Mesquita / Pierrot le Fou
24 páginas, 24,5cmx22cm (aberto 96cmx22cm) (PT/EN)
200 exemplares impressos na Maiadouro, Setembro de 2016.
ISBN 978-989-20-6885-5
25 Euros (inclui portes de envio para Portugal)
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